Botox and Migraines

Botox and Migraines

Finally the decision came that we were all waiting for. The medicine, Botox injection (onabotulinumtoxinA), was approved as treatment against chronic migraine in USA by the FDA, The Food and Drug Administration. Botox and migraines have been connected to each other for a long time and it is interesting to see that the drug now is classified specially for us migraine sufferers with the diagnosis chronic migraine. But for myself, I´m sorry to say, Botox had no effect on me when I tried it some years ago. But as migraineurs often say, as treatment differs from person to person, – what´s good for me is not good for you and vice versa.

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How was it approved you may wonder? Botox has been used to treat migraines for a long period of time without being approved. I tested this treatment myself for over two years ago. So how come something not approved by the FDA can be used as treatment against migraine?

The fact is that this system works almost the same in every country. Botox has been approved by the FDA as a treatment in cosmetic therapy and muscle relaxation in other situations. So Botox don´t have to be approved specially against migraine. Most important is that it´s approved as medicine against something by the FDA. That´s why it is possible to use it for other treatments such as chronic migraine. In many countries there are medicines against depression and high blood pressure that don´t have any scientifically support whatsoever against migraine. But they can work well against migraines and not need FDA approval for that specific usage.

It is the same thing with alternative methods against migraine. Yoga and Qi-gong are not approved as alternative methods against migraine in many countries. But you are allowed anyway to use them as a preventive method. When it comes to medicines there´s of cause a condition that the medicine is approved as treatment for a special therapy. Which means that their working process is well known and what side effects may occur.

Botox and migraines is not something new. The treatment has been out on the market for many years without being approved. Already in the fifties a bacterium was discovered that could temporary get muscles to relax completely. But it was not out on the market until 1989. In the year 2000 it was released as a cosmetic phenomenon against wrinkles and was spread all over the world in no time.

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