Archive for the "Asthma" Category

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Breathing Easier With Asthma

Asthma is a very common disease. It is a respiratory disease thought to be associated with air pollution. Children are usually the most high profile sufferers of asthma. It is a disorder of the reactive airway. The airways are known as the bronchioles and/or bronchi. They are made smaller or blocked when they are in [...]

Can Chiropractic Cure Asthma?

Asthma is a chronic inflammatory disease which causes obstruction of the lungs’ airflow characterized by varying degrees of recurring symptoms. Symptoms include shortness of breath, dyspnea, coughing, wheezing, and chest tightness. Approximately 300 million people worldwide suffer from this condition.
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When you have asthma attacks, two events occur in the lungs: there is inflammation [...]

Cure Asthma at Home

If you suffer from this condition, for sure you are interested about how to cure asthma at home. We all know that it is a very serious condition and many times its dangerous attacks can threat your life. This is why, I am fully confident that you wish to find the best treatment helping you [...]

Eating Burgers Ups Asthma Risk

Asthma incidence has been going up over the last thirty years, especially in Western nations, and many experts believe this increased asthma risk has something to do with what all of us, especially our kids, are putting into their bodies. Recent research by a team of German, Spanish and /British researchers has found children who [...]